How to Know the 3 Weeks Old Baby Development Stages

3 weeks old baby development

It’s a well known fact that babies reach their maximum growth in their third week of development. This is also the exact period where toddlers generally stop gaining weight and are instead starting to develop their initial eating patterns. One important thing to consider is that your baby will need food at this stage. And it’s only by the third week that they are able to absorb all the nutrition from their food.

What you can do during this period is just stick to your usual feeding pattern, but just with added attention. You may notice that your baby is less interested in breastfeeding or bottle feeding these first few weeks. This is a normal thing and means that the baby has developed his or her taste buds. You may want to start putting solids in his or her food. As a baby grows and starts to absorb foods from his spoon, he or she will eventually make up his or her mind and prefer solid food.

An Overview

A person in a dark room

By this time, you should be able to notice some changes. Your baby may have become fussy. You can pick up on this by placing a finger in his or her mouth and feel for any soft tissue. In the early stages, this is a good sign. Also, the baby will probably start sleeping more than he or she did in the early days. He or she is getting the hang of being able to sleep on their own.

If you are concerned about your baby’s weight, you should know that this is normal. After three weeks, the baby weighs roughly four pounds. Some parents even report that their baby is up to six months old, when he or she starts gaining weight. The extra weight is mostly water, so you don’t have to worry too much.

Another common development is the beginnings of speech. Most of us speak in utls and around babies. However, the baby may struggle with words and end up repeating the word “merci.” This is nothing to be alarmed about as it is only normal. It also helps if the baby repeats the sound louder than you do. Repeat after them until you can tell that they are saying it correctly.

Tips To Consider

A car driving on a city street

The eyes start to open, and the baby will begin to see. Around three weeks, you can try to point out the color of something that interests your baby. This will probably include bright, shiny objects like a fork or a finger. Usually, it’s blue, green, or yellow.

Around the third week, you can start trying to move things from one part of the house to another. This is a milestone that all parents look forward to. It’s a big step toward independence. As your baby gets older, you can move furniture in more places, but this is still done with care. It’s not a time to allow your baby free range of motion.

Around four to six weeks, your baby should be able to sit up on his own. You should be able to lift him up on your shoulder without him pulling away. At this point, you should be able to turn him on his side and talk to him in the same manner that you did when he was an infant. Around six to eight weeks, your baby should be able to recognize you by your voice alone. This is another huge milestone that all parents look forward to.

The Changes

By nine weeks, your baby should be able to feed himself using both of his hands. At this point, he should also be able to control his head and neck. These are very important development milestones and by this time, you should be able to feed your baby on his own and let him take over the bat for a little while.

Around ten to twelve weeks, you should see that your baby can sit up with help, but he isn’t completely out of the woods yet. His parents will be able to tell when he is tired or simply wants some attention. Around thirteen to twenty-four weeks, your baby will be able to hold his head up well enough that he can recognize you by your voice. He should recognize your face, but not your voice. Around twenty-four to thirty-four weeks, your baby will be able to recognize your voice and you will be able to communicate on the baby scale.


Around thirty-five to forty four weeks, your baby will be able to carry out simple tasks. This includes, crawling around on his own, rolling over and sitting up. Your baby should be able to sit up with help. One last thing that you want to be concerned about is if your baby wakes up in the middle of the night or if he falls asleep during the day. If your baby wakes up in the middle of the night, it may be a good idea for you and/or your partner to take him to his nursery to get him back to sleep.

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