4 Child Development Book Every Parent should Read

A woman sitting on a bed

Every parent has a desire for their kids to grow upright. Naturally, children have a curious mind and they want to know about almost anything they set their eyes on. As babies grow from infancy to childhood, they undergo development. Significant development occurs during early childhood (from infancy to the age of 6 years old). It is during this period they learn to crawl, learn to walk, and speak their first words. Middle childhood (from ages 6 – 12) is the most crucial years of a child’s life. This is when they start formal schooling, begin puberty, and start to really understand things pertaining to their personalities.

During these development stages, the child goes from being dependent and gradually increases their own independence. It is important the parents get really involved in the child’s life, assisting in the process of growth and development. Guiding your child can be tasking and would require quite an amount of patience, understanding, and hard work.  Knowing how to do it right is paramount to the future of your child. There are good books that would guide you in the process of training your child

Child Development – The Four Main Areas

A little girl sitting on a wooden bench

–          Cognitive Development: This is simply how the child thinks, how they process information, their perceptual skill, language learning, etc. It also involves how well they solve problems.

–          Social and Emotional Development: This is another stage of the child development process. It occurs gradually. The child starts to understand, experience, express, and manage emotions. He also starts developing meaningful relationships.

–          Speech and Language Development: A child forms the skill of communication during the first five years of their life. This is when the child starts speaking and understanding what others are saying.

–          Physical Development: From infancy to late adolescence, a child keeps developing physically. As time goes by, the child starts gaining control over his/her body, getting good with physical coordination.

Here are 4 books on child development that you must read

A man reading a book

Ages and Stage: A Parent’s Guide to Normal Childhood Development authored by Charles E. Schaefer, Theresa Foy Digeronimo

This book particularly focuses on the main areas of psychological health, emotional, cognitive, relationships, personal growth, and morality. Also discussing the do’s and don’ts coupled with some fun activities and exercise you can do with your child to encourage his/her development.

You Are Your Child’s First Teacher, Third Edition: Encouraging your Child’s Natural Development from Birth to Age Six authored by Nahima Baldwin Dancy

Giving a detailed explanation of the stages a child goes through from birth to the age of six. It gives you the knowledge to be able to connect with your child in the right way and at the right time.

NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children authored by Po Bronso, Ashley Merryman

With great storytelling and analysis, the book clearly explains why the modern-day method for nurturing children is not quite working well. It offers a new perspective on how to nurture children.

Child Behavior: The Classic Child Care Manual from the Gesell Institute of Human Development authored by France L. Ilg, Louise Bates Ames, Sidney M. Baker.

Offering the basics of child development and telling the story of how a child’s body can affect his/her behaviors. It teaches parents how to address behavioral problems they see in their child and also how to prevent this behavior from occurring.

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